1996 Annual meeting


OCLC CJK Users Group 1996 Annual Meeting

Saturday, April 13, 1996

Hilo Kona Kailua Room

The Ilikai Hotel

Honolulu, Hawaii

(Continental Breakfast provided)


Chair's Report

   James Cheng, University of California, Los Angeles

James Cheng, Chair of the OCLC CJK Users Group welcomed members and guests to the meeting and thanked the OCLC staff for their work in preparing for the annual meeting. He then introduced the Executive Board members. He noted that Wen-ling Liu of Indiana University was filling the vacancy of the Member-at-Large slot created by the retirement of Elise Chin.

At the Executive Board's June meeting in Chicago during the 1995 ALA Annual Conference, the Board has recommended that an OCLC CJK listserv be created to facilitate communication among OCLC CJK users. OCLC accepted the recommendation and promptly created the listserv. The Board also decided that this listserv will be open to everyone who is interested.

The Executive Board then met in Dublin, Ohio in September 1995 and suggested three initiatives on behalf of the Users Group:

  1. 1. Develop a CJK OPAC capability for the OCLC CJK Plus System;

  2. 2. include CJK vernaculars in the LC's authority file; and

  3. 3. expand the OCLC CJK database.

The above initiatives fit into OCLC's International Strategic Program and they were adopted by OCLC. A fourth recommendation, to load CJK electronic datafiles onto the OCLC database, is under consideration. The Chair urged members to recommend possible CJK electronic datafiles to members of the Executive Board.

On the issue of the role of the Executive Board, James Cheng reported that the Executive Board should focus its attention to policy and direction issues on behalf of the Users Group.

Abraham Yu's term as Chair of the Program Committee ends after this meeting. However, Mr. Yu has agreed to continue to serve as a member of the Program Committee.

James Cheng met with Karen Smith-Yoshimura of RLG, during the ALA Midwinter Conference in January 1996. They discussed the following issues:

  1. 1. Open the listservs of the two groups to both OCLC and RLIN CJK users;

  2. 2. open the meetings of the two groups to everyone who would like to attend;

  3. 3. set up an open Forum for both groups to discuss the cooperation of analytics cataloging of CJK big sets and other issues of common interest during the AAS and CEAL annual meetings; and

  4. 4. add CJK vernaculars in the LC CJK authority files.

The first two suggestions, regarding possible interaction between OCLC and RLIN CJK users, were turned down because only RLIN users who pay RLG membership fees can participate in RLG meetings. However, Karen agreed to the suggestion that an open Forum among OCLC and RLIN CJK users be held during the AAS and CEAL meetings in Chicago in 1997. Karen Smith-Yoshimura also mentioned that adding vernaculars to the LC CJK authority files is a national cataloging issue, which should be referred to the CEAL Committee on Technical Processing. However, both RLIN and OCLC CJK Users Groups agreed to write letters of support to LC.

Question: The Chair asked the Group whether we should have one or two meetings for the annual gathering.

There was a show of hands. The vote indicated no consensus and the issue was tabled. The Executive Board will revisit this issue later.

It was agreed that minutes of the meeting will be posted in the OCLC CJK listserv and the Eastlib listserv.

Membership Committee report

   Karen Wei, University of Illinois, Urbana

Based on the recommendations of the Executive Board in September 1995, Karen posted an e-mail on both the OCLC CJK listserv and Eastlib listserv regarding the OCLC CJK Users Group membership recruitment. At present, there are 40 new members and 41 renewals. She urged those who have not yet applied/renewed their membership to do so soon, and the deadline was extended to April 30. (There are now more than 100 members registered.) The compilation of a directory of the OCLC CJK Users Group members is currently underway.

Program Committee report

   Abraham Yu, University of California, Irvine

Abraham reported on the Chinese and Japanese Conversion Project at the University of Maryland. The project converted bibliographic records of about 6,100 monographs and 400 serials into the OCLC CJK database. The conversion of another 6,000 Japanese monographs will be completed by the end of June, 1996. Microfilming of the newspapers and serials in the East Asian Collection was also completed. Cataloging of these titles will be provided by contract with a team from Japan. The University of Maryland expects to become a Conser member soon.

The OCLC CJK Users Group decided to establish a WWW home page site and Abraham Yu will be responsible for establishing it. The contents of the home page include: OCLC CJK Users Group bylaws, membership directory, and minutes of the Executive Board, Program Committee, and General Membership meetings. Karen Wei volunteered to serve on a project team, and others are urged to join her.

Abraham Yu's term as the Chair of the Program Committee ends after this meeting. (Abraham still holds the post of Vice Chair/Chair Elect). According to the bylaws, the Program Committee Chair is appointed by the Chair of the Users Group. James Cheng called for volunteers for the position. (In May Hideyuki Morimoto of the University of California, Berkeley, was appointed to this position).

OCLC Reports (All OCLC presentations were accompanied by transparencies)

1. Reorganization and staff reassignments at OCLC

Gary R. Houk, Vice President, OCLC Services

The OCLC Asia/Pacific Services was reorganized last winter. At present, its CJK services is directed by Gary Houk, Vice President of OCLC Services. The other managers involved in CJK work are:

  1. -- Hisako Kotaka, Product Manager, CJK Services;

  2. -- Marty Withrow, Manager, Workstation Software Development

  3. (Marty is in charge of the development of CJK Plus Version 3.0);

  4. -- Bill Carney, Product Manager, Workstation Software

  5. (Bill is in charge of Passport for Windows);

  6. -- Greg McKinney, Manager, Retrospective Conversion Department

  7. (Greg is in charge of OCLC CJK RetroCon).

All of these officers attended the User Group meeting. Each reported on the specific aspects related to CJK development/services in their respective areas.

Gary noted that this May marks the 10th anniversary of the OCLC CJK program.

Gary introduced the OCLC Services which includes CJK RetroCon and TechPro services. He also reported on the organization of OCLC Services, CJK support staff, OCLC CJK product line, CJK pricing for 1996/97, and OCLC AsiaLink. OCLC AsiaLink is based in San Jose, California. It is a new OCLC service that replaces a similar service funded by the California State Library that has been discontinued. AsiaLink deals with the collection development, acquisitions, and cataloging services for CJK and Vietnamese materials.

Question: James Cheng asked about OCLC's willingness to load CJK electronic datafiles onto the OCLC database.

Gary accepted the recommendation and suggested that the User Group should send a list of possible titles to OCLC for its consideration.

Gary reported on the growing interest in OCLC CJK activity in Beijing, China. OCLC recently started a joint effort of FirstSearch with Tsinghua University, Beijing. (Tsinghua University has now established an OCLC Service Center to extend FirstSearch service and other OCLC services to libraries and information centers in China). At present, there are 476 OCLC libraries in East Asia.

Question: Eugene Wu suggested that OCLC should keep its North American members informed of the CJK development in the Asia/Pacific region.

Gary agreed with the suggestion and assured the group that the International Strategic Program is one of the three priorities of OCLC in the coming years. He then cited the Waseda Information Network (WINE) records which have been added to the OCLC database.

Question: In relation to database expansion, James Cheng asked about the possibility of loading the bibliographic records of RLIN's Chinese Rare Book Project into the OCLC database.

Gary answered that since those records are in the RLIN save file, they can not be loaded into the OCLC CJK database. Contract issues concerning the exchange of records between OCLC and RLIN are also involved. Gary will communicate with Karen Smith-Yoshimura on this issues.

Question: Eugene Wu asked whether there are any OCLC records not loaded into the RLIN CJK database.

Gary answered that the WINE records and the records of the Harvard retrospective conversion project have not been loaded into the RLIN CJK database. The WINE records were not loaded into RLIN because of OCLC's contract understandings with Kinokuniya.

2. OCLC CJK Technical Report

  Hisako Kotaka, Product Manager, CJK Services

Hisako reviewed with members the functions of the newly released CJK Plus 2.10 (released in early March 1996) which supports the Format Integration Phase 2.

Hisako reported that 282,980 bibliographic records have been loaded into the OCLC database from the WINE Records Conversion Project. A WINE record editing guide was included in Hisako's handouts. There is also a slightly modified enhancement workflow for DLC full-level record enhancement procedure. A new e-mail reporting option has been added.

Based on the 1995 recommendation of the OCLC CJK Users Group Executive Board, OCLC continued its work on the RLIN record call number retention program. OCLC had started the call number retention program in December 1993 with those libraries which contributed more than 2,000 records per year. The Database Management group is now actively working to evaluate the second round library group which includes Cornell University, University of British Columbia, University of Chicago, University of Hawaii, University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan.

OCLC Workstation Product Development Dept. will send out a survey of the Character Input Code Dictionary Enhancement Project to CJK users to solicit their opinions and to evaluate the design and user interface requirements. The major goals of the project are:

  1. a) to code Korean archaic hanguls covered in EACC Character Code;

  2. b) to add the missing phonetic input codes, especially Korean input codes;

  3. d) to build a new menu to look up CJK characters through indexes, etc.

3. CJK Plus Version 3.00 Report

  Marty Withrow, Manager, Workstation Software Development

CJK Plus Version 3.00 will be released in early 1997. The new version will stress six comprehensive aspects:

  1. 1) design architecture;

  2. 2) batch processing;

  3. 3) character input code enhancement;

  4. 4) Pinyin conversion;

  5. 5) acquisition display; and

  6. 6) local OPAC.

The newly designed CJK workstation will include:

  1. 1) common interface of CatCD for Windows, CatMe+ for Windows and CJK Plus;

  2. 2) reusable/sharable code; and

  3. 3) more timely response for bug fixes and enhancement releases.

The Character Input Code Enhancement Project will create updated CJK character database which would be compatible with the current 2.10 software.

OCLC is working together with Karl Lo, Head of the University of California, San Diego, East Asian Library, to further develop the Wade-Giles/Pinyin conversion program. The objective is to allow users to search and display records using Pinyin romanization scheme even though the OLUC remains in Wade-Giles.

CJK Local File Management Program and CJK Plus OPAC features will provide local holdings information for CJK records and will establish local CJK acquisitions files. The CJK records for a particular institution would be contained in a Newton Database. This was one of the options that was discussed. OCLC is currently leaning towards the other option of having each institution build their own OPAC record one at a time. This allows their OPAC to grow at their own rate, rather than having to wait for OCLC to "master" a new OPAC for them based on their holdings. The pros and cons of both options were discussed.

There were other technical questions concerning the CJK software, OCLC's standing for Unicode and the two CJK Plus OPAC options.

4. Passport for Windows Report

  Bill Carney, Product Manager, Workstation Software

Bill reported that OCLC is working towards bringing additional links between Passport for Windows and CJK . Passport for Windows was introduced in November of 1995.

5. OCLC CJK RetroCon Report

  Greg McKinney, Manager, Retrospective Conversion Department

The OCLC CJK RetroCon project was initiated by Andrew Wang in 1992. New members for CJK RetroCon are very welcome.

Question: Charles Wu of Columbia University asked about the pricing structure for the retrospective conversion project.

At present there is a flat pricing for both OCLC members and non-OCLC members. As for retrospective conversion, there is a flat rate for original cataloging as well as copy cataloging (derived and enhanced records). Libraries which are interested in retrospective conversion projects should get in touch with Greg.

(Respectfully submitted by Wen-ling Liu, Indiana University)